Pin Diameter: 2 mm & Pin Length: 40 mm

Pin Diameter: 2.7 mm & Pin Length: 50 mm

Manufacturing in compliance with 93/42/EC directive,
Pins have rounded tips and are cutable to meet specific needs,
Jagged design of these pins provides a maximum grip on the bone,
The pins are avaible in two size; 2 mm and 2,7 mm.

2 mm Bio Jagged Pin indications are listed below:
Apical fragements: e. g. fractures of the radial head, fracture of the patella rim, fractures at the proximal and distal ends of the metatarsal and metacarpal bones.
Osteochondral fractures or dissections: e.g. ankle-bone dome, femoral condyle, cancellous fragments or those subject to low stresses: e.g. layered reconstruction of fractures of the heel or acetabulum, corticocancellous grafting of chips.

2,7 mm Bio Jagged Pin indications are listed below:
Large osteochondral fragments: e.g. fractures of the femur head (Pipkin fractures), fractures of the malleolus (Weber A fractures), fractures of the radius, longitudinal fractures of the patella.

Bio-absorbable, the screws are made from a biocompatible amorphous copolymer,
Excellent biocompatibility of PLDLA and its breakdown products (CO2 and H2O).

It stabilizes 8-10 months after surgery and provides good healing and simplifies future revisions. It is then slowly hydrolyzed with water from the tissues and after 24 months, completely healthy bone forms.

Femoral: Poly (%70 L/% 30 DL-lactide)